Sunday, January 28, 2007


Both my schools are "Buddhist Way" schools. "Buddhist Way" is a current educational initiative in Thailand aimed at teaching students about moderation, thoughtful action, and diligence. It has a variety of interesting implementations.
At both schools, as well as at both of Robert's schools (which are not actually "Buddhist Way" schools), students participate in daily meditation. After lunch and noon hour recess, they gather in the hallways for several minutes of silent reflection, legs crossed and hands in the proper position.
Because Thai kids are pretty much like kids anywhere, though, many of them enjoy this opportunity to make faces at their friends and throw little bits and pieces of things at each other if the teachers aren't watching. I usually enjoy the opportunity to open Newsweek for a few minutes.

1 comment:

thailandchani said...

Interesting initiative! You're right by implication, though. It won't work all that well. Kids will use it as a time to drift off in thought or goof off. And that's not a bad thing either.

